Afterword from Yeshua: Boyhood of the Christ This novel has presented the story of Christ’s birth and childhood through a Jewish lens. I replaced many names and key words, familiar to English-speaking readers, with either the original Hebrew or Aramaic equivalent....
Prologue from Yeshua: Boyhood of the Christ Aeons ago, before the orbits of galaxies and planets were set in motion, the clock of creation began to tick in the heavens, as the fires of stars being born burned in far-flung outer space. This was the Big Beginning. Time...
The mass media of the consumer society has created a pop culture with a relatively short attention span, one long enough to take in an MTV video or complete a computer game but too short to wrap around some serious reading which would increase knowledge or inspire...
In January 2022, Michael’s three medical-themed novels, Heartbeat, Chrysalis and Lord of the Bats achieved a ranking of 1st,2nd and 3rd in the Organ Transplants fiction category on Amazon’s best-seller list in its worldwide online book store....
Having anticipated victory for Trump in the 2016 Presidential election, I’m now equally sure he’ll lose in 2020, largely because there are just too many conditions favourable to a Biden win which Trump would need to reverse, or counteract, to win. Reading the tea...